Anyway, we all know each other once. I came to your site and you didn’t take me for a walk. Why does that sound like an eviction notice?

June 6, 2024

I’m that annoying? I don’t blame you for telling the truth! You say it! "
Shinohara snow stare while Lou Zhan hangs his eyes to cover up his eyes. It’s a joke!
I don’t know if she is too oversensitive. Why does she feel that this burnt penis is so … so dependent!
Who knows you for a while? Who has a new love? !
That’s as if they were confused!
"You … oh …"
Shinohara Snow was thinking of refuting the second burn, but she didn’t think of herself. This opening suddenly burst into nausea. She hurriedly turned around and kept retching while covering her mouth!
In this case, Lou Zhan’s face turned completely green before striding!
"Xia Xiaoxue, do you hate me so much?"
….. Hate to throw up? !
This is so fucking hurtful!
Shinohara snow and Lou Zhan both stood one leng, but no one spoke to explain!
Anyway, he wants to think so, so think so. If they can get rid of this trouble, they can see it!
Sure enough, the top of the head smoked with a green light on his face, and the second child twisted his eyebrows, and the figure of Shinohara Snow saw that she was still retching constantly. She even stretched out her hand in his direction and waved her hand. She was so cold-eyed and proud that the second child could not stand the cold hum, so she flew a window and suddenly disappeared into the bedroom!
As luck would have it, as the window slowly entered the cool breeze room, the hot and dry atmosphere eased a lot, and the retching of Shinohara snow also stopped instantly!
This is hidden outside the door and burned by the window, and suddenly the whole person is not good!
His grandmother really hates him to the point of throwing up at the sight!
Fundus resentment flashes, and the second child leaves angrily!
The auricle of the bedroom building Zhan moved his lips and dyed a smile. "He’s gone!"
"shout! I can’t believe that the guards in the palace of Nanxia Kingdom are getting more and more lax! Can let him in and out freely!
I really don’t know what those guards are doing every day! "
Shinohara snow eyebrows looked at the broken window lattice scattered all over the floor and my heart burst with nai!
"He has great martial arts walls and walked in Jianghu for many years. If he doesn’t even have this ability, I’m afraid he would have died a long time ago!
It is not difficult for him to enter and leave the palace freely! "
LouZhan objective analysis let shinohara snow eyebrows "you also help him to speak? Don’t forget that he just called you a pretty boy! "
"Cough! If you are all right, go and lie down for a while! Recently, I have been playing a lot. I am going to the room! "
Louzhan looked embarrassed and said, then flew away from the bedroom!
And staying alone in the bedroom, Shinohara Snow, looking at the sight, swinging in the temple, a burst of force surged into my heart!
Now her life seems calm and turbulent, but hiding here is the ambition of counting wolves!
Even she knows that she is pregnant now. Even the mother emperor values this very much, but she can’t resist the thoughts of those people!
From being pregnant with * to marrying someone else now, I feel that my life is like a bad drama that has deviated from the track!
The children in her belly are the only thoughts of her generation. Since they can’t love each other, it may be the best arrangement for them to forget about the Jianghu like this!
Time goes by day by day, and he hasn’t been here for months since that day when the second child appeared!
Shinohara snow is also rare at leisure!
In this day-to-day cultivation, she feels that she and Lou Zhan have become more and more tacit!
It turns out that Lou Zhan is a complete villain, and even if she joins hands, she is often wary of him!
But after such a long time of contact, she felt that what Lou Zhan had done might really be involuntary!
And she has to admit that Lou Zhan is really a rare talent!
She just protects her baby every day!
And so many memorials and court affairs, she had secretly handed them over to Lou Zhan to deal with!
This matter is naturally going to be kept from everyone!
Nothing is more important than her children in her world at the moment!
Of course, it is precisely because Shinohara Snow is so cautious that she has prevented many little tricks!
But there is always a thin one!
At that time, seven months passed after the news of Xiao Xue’s pregnancy came out!
Outsiders naturally don’t know, but Shinohara Snow knows that she is pregnant for nine months now!
According to what she learned from the doctor’s mouth, she is likely to give birth at any time in the next month!
But in the eyes of outsiders, she is only seven months pregnant at this time!