At that time, Jifen was very impressed with him, but the future richest man was in sight, and other men were just floating clouds.

June 6, 2024

Later, at the disco, she heard some polytechnic adults say that Dr. Mo had a good family. At that time, a young man said, "It is possible to donate a building to Polytechnic University!"
Jifen now recalls many details and feels that Feng Guangyao and this Mr. Mo are even worse than one, so a little bit of jealousy suddenly sprouted in his heart.
Mo Kuang-feng seems a little surprised, but he still said hello to the three people calmly.
Because the sofa is not enough for everyone to sit on, Liu Caijuan moved a chair for Mo Kuangfeng to sit on. He thought about it and sat down obediently.
The situation suddenly turned into Mo Kuangfeng, a pair of three Ji Guimin, Xia Qin and Ji Fen all looked at him desperately, but Ji Shu looked like an outsider behind Mo Kuangfeng.
Xia Qin’s eyes seem to be glued to Mo Kuangfeng’s body, but they can’t move away.
Ji Guimin said, "Ah, is it a friend of Ji Shu?"
Ji Shu felt a little embarrassed behind Mo Kuang-feng. At the end of the day, after she left Mo Kuang-feng abruptly in Shanghai, they were sticky but no one had officially confirmed it.
Everyone else acquiesced in them.
"Yes, yes! Friends! "
Ji Shumo felt embarrassed and answered first.
Mo Kuang-feng glanced back at her eyebrows and tightened her thin lips slightly defiantly. He turned around and said to Ji Guimin, "I am her object."
The tone is neither high nor low, and the tone is neither humble nor supercilious.
Ji Shu ah ah ah ah ah! The groundhog screams.
Ji Shu blushed and didn’t refute it.
I didn’t expect Ji Guimin’s elders to suddenly feel that they have gained some prestige in the room and actually play the role of parents.
He is a middle-level leader of a state-owned enterprise and puts on a condescending attitude. "Home is not Takeshi, is it? The accent is wrong. "
Liu Caijuan watched all this happen in distress situation.
Jifen is still in shock. Are they really together? !
"Beijing people, my mother is Takeshi."
"Are both parents still alive?" Ji Guimin then asked
If it was normal, Ji Shu would have started to kill people long ago, but just now Mo Kuangfeng said "I am her object" and she hasn’t recovered.
"My mother has passed away and my father is in business in Beijing."
"Doing business is good. Now the country encourages reform and opening up. There is nothing shameful about being an individual. What line does your father do? If it is related to textiles, I can find resources for you later."
Ji Guimin’s words are very high, but Ji Fen is embarrassed to hear them. Then how can Mo Kuangfeng’s family be an ordinary individual? But if she interrupts, it will make her father more stupid. Jifen can choose silence.
Xia Qin suddenly said, "Yes, we still have some words in the textile industry, and your father’s business can also help you."
It seems that Ji Guimin is a giant in the textile industry.
Mo Kuangfeng smiled. "My father is a trader."
Ji Shu has returned to absolute being, and she really appreciates Mo Kuang’s maple roots without refuting or showing off any ingredients.
"Stop talking and eat."
Ji Shu quickly said that she didn’t want Mo Kuangfeng to expose too much and make a fortune. She was very white.
Who would have thought Xia Qin would ask, "Do trade? Is it wholesale? Which company? They are all objects of Ji Shu. We still have to understand one as elders! "
JiShu sneer at is to want to compare!
JiFen pulled a Xia Qin sleeves but also come or not?
Mo Kuangfeng said "Import and Export of Jintai Trade"
"ah? Jin tai trade … Very good … "
A cold sweat broke out behind Ji Guimin.
It’s Jintai trade! We should know that Guomian No.2 Factory has been engaged in business competition with other brother factories, and one of the indicators is the export quantity.
Recently, No.2 Factory wants to export its fine imitation cotton cloth abroad to face difficulties.
Ji Guimin heard from people in the office that Jintai trade is the largest import and export company in China. Every year, I don’t know how many factory directors beg their family to help export goods to foreign countries to earn dollars.
It is said that this company has branches in other Asian cities, from import and export to foreign trade offices. If it is connected, the company’s performance will definitely soar.
Look at Mo Kuangfeng again, Ji Guimin thinks that his temperament is very handsome, which is no worse than his son-in-law … Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he is still a bit higher!
In fact, Ji Guimin doesn’t want to pay a New Year call today.
But last night, I received a scolding from Mrs. Ji for Ji Shu and Liu Caijuan.
However, Mrs. Ji always talks about her favorite, Sun Jichang entrusting Ji Guimin to give Ji Chang 1 yuan money for her.
Ji Guimin hung up and was furious that he didn’t have a son. Mrs. Ji has been talking about it for so many years.